1. Honor the King & Queen
Crypto is dominated by Bitcoin & Ethereum. Altcoins have their place, but they’re ultimately pawns in this crypto game.
2. Understand the Bitcoin Lifecycle
Bitcoin (and thus, crypto) is more predictable than most realize. The Bitcoin halving event every 4 years shapes our investment strategies. Always make investment decisions with a zoomed out perspective. When you understand this 4 year cycle, the volatility becomes your friend.
3. Make DCA Your Best Friend
Avoid an ‘all in’ or ‘all out’ mentality with investing. Dollar cost averaging (DCA) is the best way to buy into the market, and to take profits out of the market. We recommend setting an automatic recurring crypto purchase with an amount you can afford. Building wealth is about making good decisions over a long time frame.
4. Protect the Asset
You can’t build long-term wealth if you lose your crypto through negligence or a risky exchange getting hacked. It’s also much easier to grow your portfolio if you take profits during the bull season to maximize gains and minimize losses.